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Above the Noise Music Industry Podcast interview with Lionel Ritchie's guitar player, Ben Mauro


Above the Noise Music Industry Podcast interview with Lionel Ritchie's guitar player, Ben Mauro

Ben's publicist reached out to me a while back when he was in Vancouver with Lionel Ritchie. She connected the two of us which lead to this interview. It was fascinating hearing Ben's story of how he got the gig playing with Lionel Ritchie, Brittany Spears, Christina Aguilera, John Fogerty, Tony Braxton, Don Felder and many more. I will hint that it had something to do with playing all the open mics and jam nights in NYC. Equally as interesting is hearing about how he is pursuing a parallel solo career as an independent artist.


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast. A follow up interview with author, music marketer and radio host David Hooper


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast. A follow up interview with author, music marketer and radio host David Hooper

A while back I interviewed radio host, author and music marketer David Hooper about his book Six Figure Musician. We did the interview in Nashville about a week prior to the launch. At the time he told me about his plans for the book and how he intended to market it. I thought it would be interesting to follow up with him and find out how his marketing strategies were working and what he had learned about his audience.


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Director of Music Programming for Sirius XM Canada, Jeff Leake


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Director of Music Programming for Sirius XM Canada, Jeff Leake

Finding success in music or business is all about the accumulated experience and knowledge that allows us to recognize and seize the opportunity that ultimately results in what the general public observe to be "overnight success." I was curious as to what those opportunities had been for Jeff. With his experience and first hand stories to tell about artists and their careers I was curious as to what advice he could offer for those looking for a career in music.


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with CEO of TraitMarker, Educational Entrepreneur and Personal Guru to The stars, Robbie Grayson

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Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with CEO of TraitMarker, Educational Entrepreneur and Personal Guru to The stars, Robbie Grayson

Today's interview is with my friend Robbie Grayson from Franklin Tennessee. Robbie is the CEO of TraitMarker, a way for you to discover the "real you." As it states on the website: "Chances are that your personality lies buried beneath years of expectations and demands that life has heaped upon you. TraitMarker uncovers the genuine you lying beneath it all..." 

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Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Drummer, Label Owner, Author & Educator, Martin Atkins


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Drummer, Label Owner, Author & Educator, Martin Atkins

Martin is a guy that has "been there, done that..." he has played with everyone from Johnny Rotten in his band Public Image, Ltd to Pig Face, Killing Joke, Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, Flea, Danny Carey from Tool, and many others... He owns a record label and is an in demand speaker at music conferences around the world as well as a professor at Columbia College in Chicago. He is the author of many books including most recently Tour Smart.


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with The Empty Pockets


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with The Empty Pockets

While meeting with a songplugger friend in Nashville, he asked me if I would interview some clients of his that were in town. The truth be told I was not really interested. I have always tried to keep my personal interviews (unlike when I am being hired...) to be with people that I have actively searched out. This situation was a little different and also a perfect example of how the industry really is based on relationships. I didn't want to offend my friend and I understand in this biz that if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours. So I said "sure."


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Creative Marketer and Branding Expert, Bill Caywood


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Creative Marketer and Branding Expert, Bill Caywood

This week's interview is with Bill Caywood. Bill is a graphic designer and branding expert, he is the CEO of Brett Manning's Singing Success, the Creative Director of TraitMarker, founder of, co-founder of Festivalus and the co-founder of Caspian Productions. His clients range from Faith Hill and Jimmy Eat World to Interscope Records, EMI and Warner Brothers.


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Business Man, Entrepreneur and Actor, Rick Wells


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Business Man, Entrepreneur and Actor, Rick Wells

After interviewing many successful artists, entrepreneurs, authors, etc... after a while a number of similarities start to appear, from their personality traits to the environment around them. Although one of those traits is the ability to put yourself out of your comfort zone, the real question is what have been the experiences that build people up to not only recognize opportunities but to also risk taking them. What in Rick's past experiences and development have allowed him to consciously choose to put himself in a place of vulnerability along way from his comfort zone? Not only once but many times over and excel?


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Graphic Designer, Photographer and Branding Expert, Josh Nychuck


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Graphic Designer, Photographer and Branding Expert, Josh Nychuck

Design is a tremendous tool for improving and simplifying education and learning; creating experiences that are more delightful, functional and meaningful; developing businesses, organizations and initiatives that will have sustainable long-term growth, and a positive effect on the community and environment.

Josh shares a ton of hands on advice in this interview that will be invaluable to building your brand's visual identity.


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Trumpeter Extraordinaire & Record Label Owner, Dave Douglas


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Trumpeter Extraordinaire & Record Label Owner, Dave Douglas

DAVE DOUGLAS is a prolific trumpeter, composer and educator from New York City. His unique contributions to improvised music have garnered distinguished recognition some of which includes a Guggenheim Fellowship, Aaron Copland award and Grammy-nominations. Douglas has developed his work for several unique ensembles with whom he’s currently active including his quintet, electric sextet Keystone, Brass Ecstasy, Sound Prints Quintet, co-led with Joe Lovano. His new Quintet released their debut recording, Be Still, in September 2012 with singer Aoife O’Donovan, the first time Douglas has featured a vocalist on a recording. Since 2005, Douglas has operated his own record label, Greenleaf Music, releasing his own recordings, albums by other artists in the jazz idiom, and continues to prove himself as a forward-thinking leader in the realm of digital music distribution. He served as artistic director of the Workshop in Jazz and Creative Music at The Banff Centre in Canada 2002 through 2012 and is co-founder and director of the Festival of New Trumpet Music, which celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2013.


Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Branding Guru and Author Marty Neumeier

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Above The Noise Music Industry Podcast with Branding Guru and Author Marty Neumeier

Today I am speaking once again with Marty Neumeier. The last time we spoke it was on the topic of branding, a topic on which Marty is an internationally renown authority. He has written many books including Zag which was named one of the "top hundred business books of all time" for its insights into radical differentiation; and The Brand Gap, considered by many the foundational text for modern brand building. It fascinates me how often musicians are told to find a real job and that they will never be successful in terms of a career at their art. However, it seems that  "real jobs" are less and less of a "real option" in today's economy as technology is taking over in what Marty is calling "the robotic age."

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